霍金发文鼓励高考生 网友评论:爱你教授!

2016-06-06 15:57:48     来源:中国青年网


 摘要:  6月6日早晨,霍金发文鼓励考生引起媒体关注,史蒂芬霍金发布微博长文鼓励2016年高考生。这是你们勤学不辍的顶峰,也标志着你们美好未来的开始。无论你励志成为一名医生、老师、科学家、音乐人、工程师或是作家 —...

  6月6日早晨,霍金发文鼓励考生引起媒体关注,史蒂芬霍金发布微博长文鼓励2016年高考生。祝福考生们金榜题名,勇往直前地追逐梦想。对此,不少网友评论道:“爱你教授!!while there is life, there is hope。加油。”“感觉得到全世界的祝福 ”。



  As many of you prepare to take the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, I want to wish you, the next generation of scientific minds, success in your academic endeavors。 This culmination of your hard work marks just the beginning of your very bright futures。

  Growing up, my parents placed a high value on education and I am grateful for the limitless opportunities provided by my studies。 Whether you aim to be a doctor, teacher, scientist, musician, engineer, or a writer — be fearless in the pursuit of your aspirations。 You are the next generation of big thinkers and thought leaders that will shape the future for generations to come。 - SH


